Overcoming Fear and Anxiety | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

Overcoming Fear and Anxiety | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

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Eckhart provides practical guidance on the awareness and acceptance of fear.

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  1. What about perpetual intense anxiety about things they definitely WILL happen for example losing quite old parents will definitely happen at some point not too far away. And there is no way to really act on that when it happens – nothing will change it. Can anyone help? I've lost my mother already and I'm absolutely terrified of being left alone without my father ?

  2. I have fear of heights. It got stronger growing up and getting older. Once, on a mountain road with my husband driving, the adrenaline response to my conditionned fear was so strong that it was hard to handle. So I just chose to close my eyes and surrender. I felt it wasn't a complete surrender, since I had to close my eyes to the situation, but at least I managed to stop the fear and feel centered (I just ended up with slight motion sickness after 30 min of road like that ! haha ^^)

  3. What is meant for you will never pass you by ? Trust that everything is working out for your highest good & the highest good of everyone involved. Accept, surrender & bring your attention to the present moment. You are exactly where you are meant to be ???? xo

  4. I love this man 🙂 When I feel bad, I turn on the video on YT and it allows me to feel calm 🙂 His way of speaking, sense of humor and sensitivity to other people is something so fantastic … It restores my faith that we can really just be kind to each other, to every single being.

  5. Humans are fallible. Awareness of the present moment is one way of treating anxiety and fear. Rational thinking is important, as is challenging limiting beliefs in mind and behaviour. Kindly, C.

  6. I watched my mom die horribly from cancer and I always feared losing her and it was exactly what my fear and anxiety was…….. so not all cases are the same. My life has been ruined from losing mom and dad 2 years apart! My dad suddenly! The agoraphobia anxiety panic disorder is no laughing matter! I can’t even go to my washroom. What I do not understand is why the bathroom? The tub? Nothing bad ever happened in my bathroom in my bathtub? I have been in the house for about 5 years now and it’s destroyed me. Anyone has help please contact me please. I take medication it does nothing I feel worse a book basically of medication!

  7. For me, very helpful is also thinking about the worst thing that can happen, facing it and accepting that it may actually happen and so what? It's not the end of the world (unless your fear is of death, but if you believe in afterlife then it's still not the worst). I surrender to the will of the universe. Although lately, I must admit, I gave birth to a child and I love it so much, the fear I feel of something happening to it is overwhelming.

  8. I’m curious – Why do you have to bring Jesus into your talks? For some who have been treated poorly by Christians, it detracts from the generic peaceful message.

  9. It comes on with a lie that I have already experienced every inch of infinity and this life is the end and I failed and all is about to be over. Like the universe itself is about to collapse, it is also like a moment of negative judgement, the fear is so bad I believe I am about to die and not proceed to another life, but to endless darkness within the unkown. Then as suddenly as it comes on, it goes, but it is stressful on my heart and I wish it would stop.

  10. While I find some of Ekchart Tolle's stuff very important, I cannot relate to this specific video. I find I MUST accept the outcome of the fear… So when my heart is racing and I cannot stop dreading something (example: dentist), I find I must accept the situation – and this may take multiple sessions over many days depending on how intense the fear itself is. Ask what the worst outcome is – and accept that…. then the second worst outcome and so on. This is a slow process and tends to release tension in the body then and sporadically on the next day – release that with TRE or jogging.

  11. Fürchte Dich nicht
    Fürchte nicht
    das klare Sehen
    ohne Gedanken
    und ohne Worte…
    Fürchte nicht
    die grosse Kraft
    in Dir pplötzlich
    Und aus der Tiefe
    Deiner Tiefen
    spontane Weissheit
    Oh Ozean ohne Strand
    gefangen im Verstand,
    löse die Konzepte auf
    mit Präsenz in Deinem Blick,
    Begrabe das Ego
    in der Erde
    und trete ein
    in das LICHT…

  12. Thank you. As awakened as I think I am, when I end up too identified with my ego, watching you always makes me feel significantly better.

  13. Currently have to take a flight and somehow this causes in me a lot of anxiety. I have done it before and not even afraid of the plane, height, etc. Yet the negative illusory thoughts have filtered my current reality and feel the emotion is even thinking for me. Hopefully I get better soon.

  14. Every time I'm about to meet a new person, I'm getting anxious — it is called social anxiety. There was this tourist woman that arrived in my city, and she asked me to show her the city. All of a sudden, I was anxious. I cannot understand why I have to experience waves of anxiety. Even if I'm present enough, the anxiety feeling is still there and it seems to persist. Is there a way out of this?

  15. Thank you so much for all that you are teaching us! I have suffered with anxiety for so many years that it has hurt my every day living. I am aware that it is my thoughts that are causing mass anxiety in my life and I just want to be free and live a happy life where I'm not scared. Any advice from you guys out there would be greatly appreciated ? my anxiety is high in social situations, public outings, driving, etc. I don't know where all this came from but for 5 years I have suffered living in my bubble and missing out on life. I just want to be normal again. ?