Modern Age Awakening: The Future Of Consciousness, Wellbeing, and Technology | Nichol Bradford

Modern Age Awakening: The Future Of Consciousness, Wellbeing, and Technology | Nichol Bradford

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How do we protect our wellbeing with the growing pace of technology?

How do we wire humanity for the future and prepare for the awakening of the modern age?

Nichol Bradford CEO & Founder of Willow Group shared this intriguing talk at Mindvalley’s A-fest about how technology marries the evolution of our consciousness.

Learn more about our invite-only event, A-Fest where people from all around the world gather to grow, heal, and celebrate life together.

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A-Fest is an invite-only transformational event that gathers an extraordinary community of change-makers and visionaries who are driven by epic ideas to impact the world – entrepreneurs, employees, artists, leaders, innovators, visionaries and more. Take the first step to joining us in paradise by applying for your invite here:

The festival takes place twice a year in paradise locations around the world. Here, you will receive powerful training, profound mind shifts, bio-hacking techniques, deep connections, incredible adventures and unique opportunities to multiply your impact and give back to humanity, so that you can play an even bigger game and significantly expand your ability to accomplish bold things.




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  1. Quite scary thing to make a device that "manipulates " someones brain? I think that Enlightenment comes to us without technology. Energy is rising and people wake up in their own way and time-wich is allso the safest way.. It is for example very bad thing if someones pineal gland gets activated without body and mind beeing ready.. Pineal gland activation may cause someone loosing their mind. This awakening path is sensitive and personal to each one of us. I feel with all respect that technology should not be part of every aspect of life❤️

  2. Idk about this if a heard correctly. But technology shouldnt be apart of letting us feel emotions whether their good or bad. This idea is to artificial for me. I like to experience things natuarlly that is how you grow.

  3. After 12 years of pretty awful struggle, I don't want to be told that I should just let things "grow naturally", "it will happen when it happens" or whatever. Fuck that. I want to know how to get enlightened quickly, reliably and safely.

  4. End of Classic Christianity? The take away is this. The gospel is not compatible with self realization. Jesus saw this coming…he who finds his life will lose it…but he who loses it for my sake will save it. There are human principles…but its akin to teaching people how to feel good while on the Titanic while its sinking. There is a lot of good here, but the missing piece is understanding that the prophecies show that the world is on a course for a temporary peace.. as written in Thessolonians, but ultimately this episode is unaware of higher spiritual realities that have to be dealt with. You will find that humanity will come to an end where they realize the need for a personal God, who will bring a world with benefits beyond human potential…beyond our imagination….but its bought and paid for….not evolved to. The gospel of Jesus Christ transcends all of this. If you want it straight…the coming of Jesus Chrust represents the destruction of all spiritual peace that is not based on personal relationship to Him. This flies in the face of what she says. . you either believe that thare is a tragedy to life that's not reasonable and believe the gospel is the way out…or you opt for universalism. If I had not been a new age universalist before and seen that it leads away from God….I would be so down with this. It has good elements to it and a lot of truth. But that is the way of deception…using human needs and desires..good desires…to pull away from the highest good…Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. And people will say…Christianity has not brought peace…"Think not that I come to bring peace,but a sword" "Be careful that the light in you is not darkness" You can call it what you like…mysticism, folklore etc. But when I see just Israel and the prophecies around it…its staggering. "I will make Jerusalem a heavy burden around the neck of all nations" Look at what is happening. Jesus is far ahead of us on our endeavor to unite humanity in a great humanistic awakening…way ahead .. He is showing where it will end. The technology to help people not suffer is wonderful…to help mentally I'll is godly.. to want peace is a great thing….but if you don't build your house( the things that make life sustainable happy peaceful etc )on the right foundation, it will be destroyed when the storm comes. I tell you the truth, the Storm is coming. Do good works, but get on the right foundation. "I am the Way,the Truth,and the Life"

  5. Surely its about understanding.
    So many people doing blind faith traditions are technically dead spiritually.
    With a true spiritual awakening being life altering. And you can't go back to a dead life once you have.
    JC said, let the dead bury the dead. Of the religious leaders, he called them the blind leading the blind.

    I think this is a very good thing. Understanding. Without it, you wouldn't know if the answers given to you are correct or incorrect. A little enlightenment to a great enlightenment would not be known. A flickering candle compared to one that is out, compared to one that is a lantern. If the lantern is not known about, all think the candle is the attainment.

    JC said, those who believe, the works I have done, they shall do these and even greater things than these shall they do…
    Which is to say, everything is easy once you know how 😉

  6. this gives me goosebumps because i have been willing this to happen all my life, had a feeling this was happening and happening to me too… Mindvalley, way to go!

  7. This is so "avant garde" and inspiring! ?
    There is so much material to learn, think and understand, for the nexts decades, if not century. BIG thanks and BIG congrats! I'm going to look much deeper in all this, your website, your course, your book, yourself? ? 🙂
    Peace, love and knowledge for all ☮️☤☀♥️? For true power, and pure joy, and best potential, and human kind eternal prosperity ?

  8. technology is totally foolish when it pretends to reveal the ways and means to guide towards the development of the spiritual states the first reason is it cannot well be understood by people that did not study the eternal mathematical laws of electronics such as vibrational nature of all matters the wave length particular to each kind of matter and the primordial law of frequencies that apply and to any kind of matter any event any situation or any human or natural phenomema…not knowing all these laws that permit scientifically to put order coherence because of the logical and rational explanation meaning integrating the considered phenomena in a chain of logical and recognized informations all of them converging towards the same goal and effect .without this basic background of knowledge all that is said or dictated to you will be of a baseless source and affording no kind of confirmation or reliability but only be belief and superstition which will create confusion and consequently no self confidence which itself is coming from the conscious ability to control and decide to give the direction you desire to any event and phenomena or situation. this is the attitude of a real master not a gamer in the field of spirituality .technology does not have all the tools as well as the methods and experiences of the past technology pretend to know and have the explanation for everything .this is not true and only for those who are ignorant and believe blindfully not realizing the great danger.of beliefs.then you don't control your life they are controlling it at your place !!! do you realize this kind of situation ??? your whole identity has lost the control and direction of your life !!! what will be left to you??? you will have to start all over again the construction of your true personal identity on the strong basis of your honest experienced facts .each wrong or false fact will have to be recognized conscientiously and corrected !!!