How to Turn a Negative Situation into a Positive One | Brian Tracy

How to Turn a Negative Situation into a Positive One | Brian Tracy

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The great business of life is to eliminate negative emotions. I’ve spent more than four-thousand hours studying how to turn negative situations into positive ones, and what I’ve discovered is that negative emotions are the single biggest enemy that any of us have. If we had no negative emotions, our lives would be wonderful — as would our relationships, our health and everything else. Watch this video and learn how to eliminate negative feelings and take control of your emotions.

Discover happiness by living your true purpose. Here’s how:

“Accept complete responsibility for every part of your life. Refuse to blame others or make excuses.” @BrianTracy (Tweet this:

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  1. Question: When your siblings don't help you take care of your elderly father, and you end up having to do it all yourself for 10 years and getting cancer because it was overwhelming, how do you turn that into a positive about your life experience and siblings? My brother is self absorbed and can't lift a finger for anyone, let alone for his father, and my sister was in a cult for 16 years and very insecure and confused. My father was the opposite, someone like you Brian, a leader, love filled empowerer, very successful, placed thousands of homeless in homes, etc. He deserved the very best, was very well loved by myself and everyone that ever met him. I want nothing to do with my siblings, our values are night and day different and I have no respect for them. This experience has scarred me in multiple ways. Thank you.

  2. I have always felt like it was my fault for not doing things perfectly, but that was the education I have received as a child: no errors were not accepted, we had to do everything perfectly. So now I´m trying to take full responsibility for all negative things that are in my life because it´s up to me to feel positive. It's a great reliever when you say "I take full responsibility" because it´s when your life depends on yourself and not on the education of the past and the past just disappears completely. I love these short sections, they´re gold in knowledge. Thank you!

  3. i studied one of your confidence programs and you explained how certain situations involving a certain behavior being shown to you by the other side(in this case my mother) can undermine your confidence in the short term more than anything else. I have also studied your maximum productivity training and that has helped distract me a bit from my mothers poor leadership, poor communication and just poor attitude. But i think i have wasted too much time after studying your learning how to learn course. I've spent too much time in passive learning and i think taking responsibility for involving myself in a more active learning eperience may be the way to hep me turn a negative into a positive one. But Brian if your reading this above all other questions can you let me ever ask you a few questions in person or over the phone? Because i am feeling stuck when it comes to high performance selling. I know the lessons are true but sometimes my brain gets stuck in a no comprehension mode which i hope after completing the learning how to learn training will help me attack this problem more thoroughly. thanks Mr Brian Tracy

  4. What if it's not your fault at the job but the management is that screwed up and they're looking for someone to blame for their short comings? And you don't have any response at all because you know they screwed up and there was no responsibility for you to take?

  5. Good Day. I took responsibility for my emotions several months ago. I forgave and moved on. Showcasing skills of being a Brand Ambassador by wearing swimsuits is not something I will accept responsibility for. I was modeling. I hope you are enjoying MLK Day.

  6. I can turn my negative situation in a positiv, if i always maintain my boundaries and focus on myself. Self-discipline is what i have to train more on myslef!

    So thank you Brian Tracy for giving people your intelligent experiences in life! You have a big heart!

  7. This thing saved me,literally i mean I suddenly started having sucidal thoughts looking at my math book fr ( I was like I totally get why people suicide in class 10 due to pressure, nd thinking its not wrong! Like literally i feel 90% better now:) THANKS a lott?

  8. I am in negative feeling since my boss said something on the contrary what I' ve done, my works has nothing, she assumes those tasks are just done without my hands. She knows I am there but my hard work is nothing for her eyes…how could she…