HOW TO FIND YOURSELF AGAIN – Best Motivational Speech Video (Featuring Robert Greene)

HOW TO FIND YOURSELF AGAIN – Best Motivational Speech Video (Featuring Robert Greene)

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  1. Look to your health; and if you have it, praise God, and value it next to a good conscience; for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of; a blessing that money cannot buy

  2. Happy birthday today is my birthday bcz of that I'm here to improve myself, to be a better version of myself, to find meaningful of life, to understand what I already did for this 21 years life thanks everyone I should be grateful and live this life to the fullest

  3. I think this one is awesome.. It made my heart happy to hear someone successful say it’s never too late; to follow yourself and to not be what others your own self even if that’s against what you’ve been taught… be different and maybe even difficult-to what maybe we were taught to believe we had to be.. that’s powerful and profound…brilliant! So happy I heard this

  4. Every out come has a situation. Every situation has a outcome. I have been a meeker and not Rich. I remember the wagons bringing ice for refrigerator. I have changed my name more than 2 in a hundred years. This will pass and that will pass too.

  5. The only way to be blessed by others is to except the blessing. Example,of I say God bless you. You say I except it. If I say christ lord is the light of the world., You say I am from the light of the world. ?

  6. I’m so happy I made a productive decisions about my finances that changed my life. As a single mother with three children I’ve always prayed for financial freedom. Got my first house at the age of 42.

  7. Look i need help i keep masterbuting i had a crush on my aunts and my mums friends and keep masterbuted but that its over and i don’t even think their beautiful sometimes i just start to go do that masterbuting on them again and i usually stopped my self at the being but this time it happend and now my parents new about it and they cried cause of it please help me please i dont want to be like this anymore

  8. To find yourself, you must be consistent within a Reality where no 2 days are the same.

    You must be:
    Relentles on your quest for Self.

    No step is the same
    No breath is the same
    Not a drop of water is the same

    And yet..

    You, Yourself must find absolute consistency within your OWN ways.


    Are all needed to be succesful in your quest for Self.

    Your Word must speak Truth at all times, or be silent.

    To be Loyal to one's Self, is to be Loyal to your OWN Word.

    To be Treu to one's Self, is to express and reckognize your OWN Emotions.

    You wil need ALL you can muster, to execute these seemingly 3 simple tasks.

    What you get in return, is you wil DESTROY yourself first.
    And after, you wil RECONSTRUCT your Character from the fundementals upwards.

    The Universe, works in many mysterious ways..

    When you are able to do this, you wil see..
    That the Universe wil start grabbing People and Informations around you.

    You cant do this alone, you can not do this with the aid of Earthly things, not something nor another Human Being can help you..

    A Superior power that Exists beyond the Border of the Universe CAN and WIL help you on this quest for Self.

    Just dont think of it as some one with a Face, its more like a Entity of a complete Existence.

    You can not be wrong for finding your Self.
    You can not be decieved by finding your Self.

    Life can help you
    Evil can help you
    Good can help you
    Darkness can help you
    Light can help you

    As long as YOU seek your-Self, not one of these forces can hurt, stop or decieve you.

    As SOON as you want something OTHER then your-Self, then you WIL BE f….ed my friend.

    Like Adam was F…ked, when Eden fell.

    When you reach Self.

    You have reached Selflesnes.

    It was never about you.
    Its all about your surroundings.
    Its all about the Works(Spiritual).

    Life becomes a Board.
    And you wil become your own specialised Chess Master.

    What you do with these new found powers and ability's???

    One Word to keep in Mind.

    We WIL be Judged