How Can I Work Fast and Be Present at the Same Time? | Eckhart Answers

How Can I Work Fast and Be Present at the Same Time? | Eckhart Answers

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Is it possible to move and to work fast while rooted in Presence? Eckhart shares his thoughts on how we can “hurry slowly”.

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  1. But i find you so cute Sir like a pure child a pure soul …I feel intense purity and divinity whenever i see your video's… I'm going to be lost in you so beautiful experiences❤️????????

  2. Focus on inviting positivity and love into your life. Visualize yourself surrounded by a bright light of love and positivity. Embrace this feeling and carry it with you throughout the day. May you find inner peace and healing on this beautiful Friday.????????????

  3. Such a beautiful being, I absolutely love all about this man. He takes the complicated jumbled world, puts it through a cheesecloth and omly the pure and unadulterated remains which is easy to digest. He can't make it any simpler for us.

  4. I have come to a crossroads in my spiritual journey. Basically, I am struggling with how to remain aware of the present moment and refrain from the thinking mind, without losing my desires in life. When I say "desires", I mean the simple things I like doing like hanging out with my friends, or going out on the weekends, or even doing school work. How would I ever want to do those things if I am always in the present moment?? How could I want to do these things without THINKING about them?? I feel like if I let go of thinking of these things, they won't be in my life anymore. I hope this makes sense??

  5. "That is why you take the Steps to Knowledge. At some point, you must begin the actual preparation because only here can you develop day by day the strength and the connection you will need to be able to receive correction and directives from the Higher Powers, from the Angelic Assembly. But before they can truly direct you, you must have this strength and this courage. In this, you must prove yourself, you see. You must prove yourself to them and to yourself that you have courage and can be trusted and counted upon to do greater things—things beyond your understanding, things beyond your fears and preferences. This is what it means to live a greater life." The Journey to a New Life, Chapter 5: The Turning Point

  6. ✨????????????????????✨????Caro irmão,shanti. Os teus, (tbém nossos, por responsabilidade em Amor – por Luz em tudo) , estão, nos que, em grave, por 'alunos'- (a) lunos ( negaçao do saber), que desejam ser, sem amadurecer, os instrutores alegres, e discursivos, que creem saber, o que estão ouvindo, de ti – por Luz em ti. E que, por didatas, formados por E.Tolle, possam, em concluido 'curso' ,serem iguais a Ele, e vender livros por manter platéias.. Mas tbém., aos que em ego, anseiam, pelo sucesso, como um livro de auto-ajuda para serem "os bem-sucedidos"…Atenta pata estes…????????

  7. Namaste zusammen,
    Ich Lebe seit über 2 Jahren ein intensiveres spirituelles Leben und habe angefangen Videos ,sowohl auf Englisch als auch Auf Deutsch, zu machen. Schau gerne vorbei. Würde mich sehr über Unterstützung, Ideen, Fragen usw. freuen. Liebe Grüße und alle segen an euch.

    namaste together,
    I have been living a more intense spiritual life for over 2 years and have started making videos in both English and German. Feel free to stop by. Any support, ideas, questions, etc. would be greatly appreciated. Greetings and all blessings to you.

  8. Reminds me of the saying "more speed, less haste" – originating in ancient Rome, where it was originally said as "Festina lente" which means "make haste slowly". A common saying among the Roman emperors and was frequently used to remind people to balance speed with carefulness.

  9. It's amazing that I'm seeing this today. I recently faced a fear of flying, and flew after a 10 years Hiatus. While on the lay I continuously kept bringing myself/ and thoughts to the present and told myself to not think of how long the flight is and that it takes. The time it takes, reminded myself that professionals are flying this plane ,God is still on duty, and stayed present. All the anxiety went away, I actually had 2 pleasant flights eventhough there was some turbulence.

  10. In sports managing stress to find optimal now focus leads to great outcomes, pacing and micro-relaxing through the movement is key to success. Similarly in music, while playing fast runs on the piano the fingers needs to relax away the tension in order to avoid choking up. If you struggle you will miss the proper train of thought. So outcome is achieved by allowing and trusting the process and yes… Enjoying it. People tend to associate pride to being stressed, having much on their plate, hence being important. But most importantly it is a form of narcissistic energy permeating "normal" culture. Being at peace and coming from that place of peace is extremely provocative and even scary to the status quo. Eckhart is a great example of effortless achievement at a deeper level, not just pretending to not care about the outcome but at peace with reality as it presents itself in the now of consciousness. Beautiful!

  11. Mostly agree with ET but, in the instance of hurrying to catch a plane, it does make a diff whether u catch the plane or not. Buying a new ticket, and losing the first ticket, are real, concrete issues. I have a feeling he came from a priviliged background and may not 'feel' that economic reality so strongly.