Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson's Speech NO ONE Wants To Hear — One Of The Most Eye-Opening Speeches

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson's Speech NO ONE Wants To Hear — One Of The Most Eye-Opening Speeches

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  1. You fuck over Brendan Fraser who gave you your big break you POS! He was and is a better actor than you’ll ever be you trash steroid using loser!

  2. I’m just starting a business and finding it really hard to stay encouraged motivated and inspired! it’s so easy to go to the gym it’s so easy to turn to social media for laughs but it’s so hard to start from scratch to build your own empire ??‍♀️how do I start when you have the name the EIN number and you paying for the insurance to keep but find it difficult to start it??‍♀️ forward please pray for me for guidance and instructions to keep moving forward thank you ?

  3. Peace? and ?Blessings? Too ❤️My ?Brothers? May ?God ❤️Bless ?Everyone ?Always ❤️May God ?Bless ?Everyone ?Richly with? everything? they ?need Always ?Much ?Love ?Blessings ?Always ☺️ ✌️ ? ❤️ ? ? ☺️ ????????????????

  4. make sense. Those hollyweird people pray on the poor and desperate. They saw dawyne desperate and poor and took advantage of him, no wonder he needs therapy. Who knows the nasty things he did for the shiny toy they gave him. He also probably lives in constant fear because the shiny toys can always be taken away and thus make his abuse for nothing. He failed at life and tries to make others fail with him. Can you imagine what would happen if there was a shortage of testosterone, what would he inject in himself since more likely, his body stopped producing it a long time ago.

  5. Yes ? I just turned 39 and I’ve had my ass in the weight room every day since high school and all throughout my military Career. I will retire shortly and move on to the next chapter in my life but one ☝️ thing will remain the same get my ass into the weight room ??

  6. I am so, so, so, very THIRSTY! I'm practically STARVING! I dream of the day I am given the Blessing of a Second chance. I start my day with Thi-CHi even though I don't know it well. Tai-Chi is slow-Mo karate. then I meditate on my heart's desires, dreams, and goals.