Drawings that show the beauty and fragility of Earth | Zaria Forman

Drawings that show the beauty and fragility of Earth | Zaria Forman

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Zaria Forman’s large-scale compositions of melting glaciers, icebergs floating in glassy water and waves cresting with foam explore moments of transition, turbulence and tranquility. Join her as she discusses the meditative process of artistic creation and the motivation behind her work. “My drawings celebrate the beauty of what we all stand to lose,” she says. “I hope they can serve as records of sublime landscapes in flux.”

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  1. the visuals are amasing but wat of these sounds some of us arnt lucky enough to go there and hear the environment, as an artist it would help meditation while drawing part immensely somone could possibly create something out of nothing with just the sounds guiding there hand
    hasvit occured to anyone that this melting is natures natural cycle and by extension unstoppable?
    srsly these artworks are …. unbelievable

  2. And then we all walk home with no shoes on, in the same  clothes I've worn for twelve years, with no make up on my face; to a house with no power, no plastic,  no glass no refrigerators, microwaves, gas stoves, hot water pipes or toothpaste; on a track with no cars, no parking lots, no traffic lights, no street lights; in a town with no shops; and we have no cell phones or money or battery chargers or aluminium frames or rare earth aided solar arrays; no stupid fuking hairdos or jewellery from primitive third world country tribes that we visit in aeroplanes to help them with the tourist dollar so we can skite to our friends that we are helping them attain self sufficiency. Did I take a wrong turn there  somewhere? Just a second I'll start again.
    I was flying in an aeroplane with a lovely pair of shoes that I bought on a recent shopping trip. From the airport I caught a cab to go to a TED talk to be inspired by another world traveller who works in mod-con buildings using processed art supplies, coaxial cable, satellites, make up, large modern air conditioned buildings, advertising, thousands of steel and plastic chair assemblies and coal powered lighting to send hypocritical messages to people who believe that their children will give up using five planets worth of resources otherwise… 
    Hang on I think I've taken a wrong turn here somewhere. Just a tick and I'll be back on track. 
    In the comfort of my own home I began to research inspirational speakers and artists conveying messages of truth concerning the juxtaposition of first world lifestyles and climate change, global warming and extreme weather events. The search began deep in the heart of the Congolese jungles of Africa, the outback communities of Australia, the rainforest tribes of the Amazon and the highland communities of Papua New Guinea. What a shame it was that none of these people had an inkling of what the subject matter entailed. The only concept they did understand, that they stood by and stood under was that they used only one earth, the one around them, to sustain their lifestyle. These people have been classed as 'third world' nationalities and with not much making sense down this avenue of investigation I presumed that 'second world' nations may be a bit more savvy on the topic. But no. They merely aspired to the lifestyle that first world countries find their comfort and safety in i.e. coal fired power stations or the solar and wind equivalent, refrigerators, freezers, restaurants, roads, electric or diesel powered motor cars, washing machines, satellites, mod-con buildings using processed art supplies, coaxial cable, satellites, make up, large modern air conditioned buildings, advertising, thousands of steel and plastic chairs… Whoops. I think I've taken a wrong turn here somewhere. It's ok. There's plenty of time. I'm not about to give up my safe and comfortable lifestyle merely because I took a wrong turn somewhere. Now let's see, where was I. That's right. Now I remember. 
    I decided to become an artist and champion the cause of global warming, climate change, extreme weather events and other effects of first world lifestyles on the planet. The journey was difficult, especially  learning to live with delusions of grandeur in the forest where there was no one to interpret my life's work as sacred, special, inspiring, meaningful or productive for the planet or it's inhabitants. The amazing thing was that I found a new comfort and safety amongst what had once seemed a too cold or too hot, dangerous prickly environment. My initial and primary focus was to satisfy the needs of food, water and shelter.  Focus, trial and error, hardship, loneliness, sunrise, black skys, wind, solace, solitude, bark canvases, plants with vitamin c, starch from rhizomes, medicine from seeds and flowers, animals to learn from, an abundance of natural resources, crayfish, vines, a comfy bed, overhangs, making fire, on and on, day after day, experimentation, paints from ochers, painting on cave walls, dealing with human waste, kino, poultices, a new culture of walking, from the mountains to the sea; the music of the lyre bird in the morning and the good night songs of owls and canine howls of 'here I am if you need me'; questions from my family, and my eternal question to them and you: are you ready to learn?, do you wish to learn? where do the greatest opportunities await to round ourselves off as human beings and dignify our full DNA potential
    From a song?- 'back on dry land once again, opportunity awaits me like a hole in the head'. That's no good to me or you anymore. We fill the holes in our hearts and our heads with information that allows us to build new holes in our hearts and minds.
    I suffer from delusions of grandeur. It hurts because the visions fail and end in selfish prison cell statements: 'don't you get it?'; 'can't you see?'; 'why don't you try?'; 'what can be more important?'
    There is a proposal that would allow feathers of light to perform on your dimpled cheeks. The tickle it produces makes us all smile.

  3. Excellent artistry, great talent. Fear mongering is just that. Ocean levels are always changing. You can not put a hold on mother nature. The ice sheet on North America was a mile and a half thick as little as 10,000 years ago. There were no great lakes 7,000 years ago. There are many ancient cities that are now submerged under 120 feet of water and evidence of world wide floods on every continent. We will adapt or die.

  4. I don't see an issue with the earth cleansing itself with ocean water. civilizations are not important. If the earth can eliminate some of the human population to restore itself that's good. Maybe the reefs will repair themselves in time and the oceans will run the earth once more. We all came from water. be like water. don't panic. Let the earth do what it has always done. adapt and conquer. don't panic. Nothing matters. Enjoy the universe for what it is and nothing more.

  5. As a fellow artist I'm very impressed by her work. As a human being that thinks and researches all information available the climate change religion is something I do not adhere too, at least in the theory that humans are the only cause in any changing climate on this earth and that the "global community" can change it by forcing everyone to adhere to their unreachable goals. The climate change religion is about power and control, not saving the planet as the planet is fine. You do realize that next year is 2020 and there will still be plenty of ice in the Arctic right? https://realclimatescience.com/2019/01/eleven-years-of-arctic-sea-ice-thickening/


  7. you are not right. let glaziers melt. it might bring some extra water to Earth that we could use. Humanity need look for alternative where he will be living. there are vast territories in Asia where mankind can migrate. Mankind should be tolerant to other races. should give them shelter.

  8. The earth is an ever living life force continually renewing. To think that the industrialized nations, US, etc… need to pay carbon taxes to push a false narrative, or responsible industry is irresponsible in itself. If they can counteract the likes of China, India, etc…. is the futile, these efforts like the Ostrich with its head in the sand are living with blinders on. Climate changes. , to tie it to Carbon, just to let you know, is the most abundant element, ever, is crazy. More carbon, plant more plants, more oxygen.

  9. Her privilege is beyond her awareness. She travels to these places then makes money by selling her art to other entities that have massive amounts of money and want to launder their image by exhibiting a picture painting of an environmentally sensitive place so we can all enjoy their “subliminity” I refuse to believe that art like this is creating any change whatsoever. Poverty greed and corporations that are dedicated to their profit margin would happily display your work in their lobbies or philanthropic event stations known as galleries . They get to capitalise on their social awareness of environmental issues without actually having to make any real change in their production rates, resource plundering and unregulated greed and through this tokenism get seen to hold actual values such as being socially responsible or caring about the environment and this artist gets to cash in on that, whilst travelling around the world for a visit. Then tells us she is doing this for the good of humankind and the environment pleeese?

  10. the people who disliked her work are obviously the people who can't even come close to drawing what she does. there should be no other reason why they would not. true master this woman is.