DO THIS to Energize Your Mind & Body and Never Feel Tired During The Day

DO THIS to Energize Your Mind & Body and Never Feel Tired During The Day

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  1. To the incredible person that's seeing this, I wish you all the best in life❤ don't over blame yourself, accept things and go forward. Don't let others define what “success” is for you. Get up, learn the skills needed and get after it, all the keys to a happy life is in your hands. Keep pushing.

  2. Thank you, Admin! I need this. Definitely for me.. I have a variety of sleeping pills, pills for depressions for OCD, pills for ADHD.. Seeing psychiatrist and counsellors monthly.. I think I am ADHD, my daughters and their late dad are OCDs and current husband is a NCD. I was retrenched more than a year ago and still cant get a job. Am going through divorce coz my current husband has never work since we got married and since I was retrenched, he now is working and has a new love. He still comes back to my house just to sleep. He treats my house like hotel. I feel lonely and miserable everyday, talk to myself everyday. The law in my country dont allow me to chase him out of my house unless we are divorced and the divorce process has been 2 years now. Thanks for hearing me.. Am just so tired.. ?

  3. Funny thing about "don't eat 3hrs before bed"…, wth's supposed to be happening after those 3hrs that possibly don't happen if I'm already in bed for 3hrs?
    I will digest way way way more quickly if I'm at rest than awake. Fact. Then, these 3hrs becomes like 1-1/2hrs to digest, while resting, instead of waiting religiously for 3 d-mn hours. Then comes sleep. Same d-mn sleep, or maybe even better because I did NOT stressed myself ALL evening to not eat 3hrs before bed.

  4. … as a German Biologist and Pythagorean – as a Scientist – this is Social Biology of permanent Interactions, challenges, threats, Anxiety – over reactions – that stimulate the HPA Axis to create a flood of Stress Hormones, raises Insulin – to feel hungry all the time – so we can not regenerate and have poor rest and sleep. It takes intense Inner Strength training to get the POWWER – to stay away from the daily overload. Intermittent STOP – relax – have a friendly encounter – and become sensitive to HAP Axis Action. There is no simple quick fixx, no medication. Practical consistent training. All Endurance Athletes I met – master this attitude of Calm…

  5. Hi motivation I'm WILLING to know about memory needs healthy brain how can achieve the peak level as vivekananda : he can able memories the topic which in his view perspective , could u please help me to get this Great power

  6. I'm pretty athletic while being a physical large with low body fat but comfy kinda low lol. But over the years too much work and physical work at that. Still a passion for videos games. Even though I played sports all year round. But I still would gain a lil weight in winter loose some in the summer but not all I packed on 45 lbs over 11 years. Compared to highschool.. but then I bought a pc and a vr headset. Lost 50 and can work harder its lit

  7. ?? Get on a good diet that will help you produce IGF-1. Check to see if you have sleep apnea no matter your age, and if you do have sleep apnea then get control of it ASAP ???

  8. Yes!…What if you have a different Lifestyle in work, rest and exercise/recreation! That's EXACTLY what I'm saying!
    I've been working evening/night shift for over 15 years now. So all I'm hearing in this is EVERYTHING I am, and have been, doing WRONG! I've probably fucked myself for life!
    I don't get sun because I'm sleeping or at least trying to, I always eat after my shift is done and never wait 3 hours b4 bed. And when I work out/do any type of exercise, it's ALSO after work cause that's when I'm up!
    So yeah this video doesn't shed much light/hope for those of us that have another work/rec. lifestyle which they didn't even take into consideration/seem COMPLETELY oblivious to!