DEVELOPING GREATNESS – The Power Of Communication With Les Brown

DEVELOPING GREATNESS – The Power Of Communication With Les Brown

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  1. Voice.
    I’m doing what I can with what I have to make a change because where I’m at momentarily is not me. There’s something deep down and it’s always been there, I just ignored it because I thought I wasn’t good enough.

  2. Mr brown. You don't know me ,we've never met ,and maybe we will never meet. Having said that, and I'm sure you've heard this time and time again ,but. Thank you! Thank you for all you've helped me accomplish so far in life and a early thank you for all I will accomplish through the rest of my life. Before I finally started getting my life on tract I had no appetite for succes .life was what it was .If I was lucky enough to start a family with a career great! if I fail and became homles ,then it was what it was . I told myself not to go to college because I couldn't do it ,or because I couldn't afford it like my other friends who's family put them through college, but since I started listening to you I found not only a career path I enjoy ,but they're putting me through school …..FOR FREE! I found my wife ,had a kid, and am working towards my second kid . I firmly believe if I'd not listened to your tapes over and over and over again for these last 7 years. I believe I wouldn't of found any of this.ive listened to alot of other speakers and none touched me the way you have . I doubt you'll even see this comment. But I sure hope you do .because I owe a debt to you that I can't even begin to understand how I can pay you back. everything I've become from where I was is all thanks to the motivation I kept in my head that you gave me , thank you Mr brown you are my hero.

  3. VOICE VOICE VOICE!!! Without a doubt, Les Brown you are my most favourite human being in the world! Since the moment I heard you speak, I dont wanna listen to nobody else. I am so grateful for everything, for you, you mother and Mr. Wasington <3