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  1. You already know how And you already know this information . Everything there is to know you already know. You have to tap in Through meditation To be able to know and say and meditation doesn't mean sitting there with your eyes closed. Meditation can be squatting 500 pounds or simply walking through the woods

  2. My father in law used to heal the people in his village with simple scale models of Cheops Pyramids; never failed to surprise me… Negative green? We have build some very specific shapes also, lost in time unfortunately, but very powerful.

  3. Have you all seen the scientist, who spoke to water as it froze, or jars of cooked rice? The shape of the ice partials reflected to words spoken, and the cooked rice when love was spoken to it, after the same period of time it looked like the day it was put in the jar, then one was just left alone it rotted like normal lastly one jar was spoken to with pure hate and negative vibes it rotted but really really bad! So speak and think only good love and light and watch what happens???❤❤☯️☮️ sorry I miss type 144 I meant to write 741 know as devils interval. there are 9 core created frequencies not 6. I love yr videos but just calm them down, I can see how passionate you are but for your followers it’s painful and confusing hence my mistake when I was listening to you and trying to write a comment ❤️❤️ love and light.

  4. All within the world all through the universe to understand it all, it is Energy, Frequency & Vibration. It's all within each and every one of us too.

  5. im sure green light would be gamma radiation in modern terms. all things are mer frequencies in the Æther. very nice video should open many minds if there looking and listening. Nikola Tesla tried to help too.

  6. As a designer I would love to LEARN HOW to design spaces that help humans exist and beneficial for us. How to measure the frequency in a room shape

  7. In 1955 72 billion bursts frequency was in attract tract a d energized for all cosmo galatical frequency brings
    Eg our pulse btrsth heart beat

    The same was in 1969 and 1983
    This now 2020 and in is the full know

    To those in 1955 October 1966 to now know the rapture cosmo galatical fullness
    The 0404050 portal know Rg heart beat the pump relax pump and follow the 72 energize and know the the billion burst pixel energy frewuency

    This frequency bursts is and ate the calling within ettg a d brtnersted from the 12 plants and earth
    2 earth

    Now this bimaru earth is equiliberste and liberated for all byesy cosmic frequency.

    This is the cosmic resurrection for all
    Born in purity Un known to know the purity trith

    Can you 8 billion on all cosmos frewiency
    P. R a y. The. 144.1.the energy sign and sign bring Borh palms close
    5 th appendage to 5 th appendage hsnd

    Cosmo gtrwur Cy metrics in photonic rrsurrectoon
    The photon trdirrecyion
    In the books of scripture the light

    God bless you

  8. Good info. But could have more specific very generalized. Also Nicola Teslas work has many ties. Not just impacts to life but harnessing the energy. Many feel the pyramids were built by using energy from resonance to lift and precisely cut stone. There is no reasonable explanation that there were build solely by human labor.

  9. If we take a look at all the magnificent architecture throughout history, it's hard not to conclude the builders didn't knew anything about this stuff. Domes, triangles, spires etc..everywhere throughout Europe and the US. So, makes you wonder what our quite recent history actually looked like.

  10. Ok sure I'll be open minded enough to take the shiny bait this video has presented. So going off the premise that this is all real wouldn't there be some very noticeable outward visible reflections of someone fully achieving spiritually centered self, fully in sync with their proper vibrations? One perfect example could be the healing of old damaged DNA that has lost some of it's ability to divide and multiply cells in the body. But no we don't see any of this or anything even close to this in the many people that practice all these "hidden" knowledges. They don't live longer, they don't restore any part of their youth, their cognitive abilities don't function any better. Nothing is different about them from your average person who don't do these things. So… why should we have any reason to believe it is for real?