What Your Immune System Needs Most in a Pandemic | Dr. Daniel Amen

What Your Immune System Needs Most in a Pandemic | Dr. Daniel Amen

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  1. Dr Amen was cut off before he had an opportunity to say what he thought about magnesium L threonate which I would have really like to know what he was about to say. I know that it’s the only magnesium that crosses the blood brain barrier and helps memory.

  2. Great content but the guest was interrupted in a few key places, which is unfortunate. But otherwise thanks so much for this valuable information

  3. Every morning's must have place confront with sun and sit dawn and after memory concentrate last days don and need and problemb facing and unwanted if doing , no problem, rest will be best after your really expration and exception will be filter mind for that date. Call mind oven for ?? With sun it work.

  4. I took a blood test a couple of months ago. My vitamin D level was 18 after being taking for months the the amount prescribed by a doctor when I was only 8 one year ago . I started to take 6.000 units of vitamin D by myself, I took another test two weeks ago and I was 25 units. I will keep taking this amount, even in the shop the seller told me it was not good to take such amount of vitamin D. I don't know how they don't realize it is necessary for some people in order to increase our levels, and I start to believe that it happens not only for some of us, but for most of the people

  5. I'm glad you said that about the News it makes me happy to know I knew i needed to be away from it. I tried to be apart of my husbands' interest and started watching the news with him and I truly noticed the 2 different me's that are because of that. I will have to tell my husband no more news for me. I get stuck when he puts it on it stays on all day but I will make an effort to turning it off ASAP from now on I love the confirmation in life.

  6. you can't take vitamine D , it is synthesized by the body under the sun if you are energized'naturally healthyly food naturally grown from regular natural soil thus healthy vitamine proteine fed balnced and happy loving and loved..