What are You Fighting For (Motivational Video) 2021

What are You Fighting For (Motivational Video) 2021

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What are You Fighting For (Motivational Video) 2021 | Download or Stream the track on ANY GOOD music platform, or here: https://www.fearlessmotivation.com/2021/01/04/what-are-you-fighting-for-motivational-speech-fearless-motivation/

The Best Motivational Playlist on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/78Suoigk80gI9mI9z5tYl8?si=04vu4pD9So2vf0KYJQemKw

The Best Motivational Speeches Playlist on Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/playlist/motivational-speeches/pl.795646e5f69b49b98aa0a658b628b7fe

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GooglePlay: https://goo.gl/NciJJS
Spotify: https://goo.gl/tlEU5T
AmazonMP3: https://amzn.to/2GBGIOC
Mp3 Download: https://teamfearless.com/mp3-downloads-cds/

Transcript Of Words: https://www.fearlessmotivation.com/2021/01/04/what-are-you-fighting-for-motivational-speech-fearless-motivation/

Chris Ross: https://goo.gl/KppfoF

Patience Singh Malhotra – https://www.instagram.com/patiencesinghmalhotra/Jordan Meaney – https://www.instagram.com/jordan_meaney/Jamie Crowe – https://www.instagram.com/jamiecrowefitness/

Film By E.T. Rouleau https://www.instagram.com/e.t_rouleau/

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BACKGROUND MUSIC by Fearless Motivation Instrumentals:
iTunes: https://goo.gl/2mF7gr
GooglePlay: https://goo.gl/d754Fw
Spotify: https://goo.gl/Uxmswh
AmazonMP3: http://amzn.to/2F9lffx
Worldwide MP3 Download: https://teamfearless.com/mp3-downloads-cds/

Music is Copyright Fearless Motivation, Created by Patrick Rundblad: https://goo.gl/GpqBqg

License details for music and speech use: https://goo.gl/c9BL0P

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#WhatAreYouFightingFor #MotivationalVideo #2021

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  1. Cmoon man. You must give up. Just let it go. U don’t need it. Just quit so life will be easier…..

    SIKE! I meant the opposite 😉 never give up

    I don’t THINK you will succeed…

    I KNOW you will succeed 😉

    NOT 99.9%

    It’s 100%

  2. When we were born, life began. We have stories in whole life. Will we always keep our stories in grave? Or do some shocking people and be the leader of spirit? It is us who make legends.

  3. People are currently claming to care and claiming to help are only holding me back and not wanting me to be be or be happy the way I want. This only makes me see how alone i am. When i got money to get wherls but no way to get there and its winter it sucks. When i got money to rent but no way to apply or check it out it sucks. Looks like im going to be homeless in winter with a 3 year old child and no real help. Which sucks because i could do but still cant. Because no one other than me is trying to do i cant trust no one.

  4. I watched this video with my cat. He turned into a lion.

    I love these vids. That's what actually inspired me to give my own take on these subjects. Go check out my vids. I'd love the feedback. Cheers

  5. Remember that success needs this temporary pain…
    Respect yourself and beat obstacles…
    Fight one more round then you'll get what you want.
    I write this while im in critical situation and in stuck in savage life but i fight for my SACRED GOAL.
    I'll be a great doctor.
    Pray for me pls
    Wishing you all every sucess.
    Wish you all every sucess

  6. Chup raho khush raho ❤️ Universe have better plans for me ????
    90 days challange starts from 8 jan 2021?✌️
    Thanks u new boy HUBBY for love and guidance ❤️? For saving my beautiful life ??

    Karmic debt mujhe maaf kar do aur release kar do ?????

  7. This video shows us how impotrant it is, to observe ourselfs every day! In every moment what we did or thought or feel. This is the key to everything! Especially to our inner space! Thank u Team Fearless! Peace and Love, Adrian.???

  8. No me digas que no tienes nada por lo que luchar…

    Si puedes respirar… tienes algo por lo que luchar.

    Si alguna vez has tenido a ALGUIEN en esta tierra que se preocupa por ti… tienes algo por lo que luchar.

    Si te preocupas por ALGUIEN más en esta tierra que a ti mismo… tienes algo por lo que luchar.

    Si tienes orgullo propio, ¡tienes algo por lo que luchar!

    Si tienes a alguien que te admira… ¡entonces tienes a alguien por quién luchar!

    Si aún no te has dado cuenta de tu verdadero potencial… ¡TIENES ALGO POR LO QUE LUCHAR!

    Si no has alcanzado tu sueño… si aún no has alcanzado tu meta… TIENES ALGO POR LO QUE LUCHAR.

    ¡Tienes que dejar de mirar lo que NO TIENES y RECUERDA POR LO QUE ESTÁS LUCHANDO!


    Recuerda lo que importa. ¡No te rindas!

    ¡Las personas que se preocupan por ti no se preocupan por tu ÉXITO!

    Se preocupan por tu FELI-CIDAD. ¡Así que recuerda lo que te hace feliz y desecha el resto!

    RECUERDA QUÉ Y QUIÉN REALMENTE IMPORTA… y construye tu vida alrededor de esas cosas.

    Deja ir esas voces externas que te hacen sentir que deberías estar en otro lugar, en cualquier otro lugar de tu vida… No estás destinado a estar en ningún otro lugar que no sea donde QUIERES ESTAR y donde REALMENTE QUIERES ESTAR… eso vale la pena luchando por.


    No dije dónde quiere estar tu EGO. ¡No dije dónde crees que el mundo quiere que estés!

    ¿DÓNDE QUIERES ESTAR? Y lo más importante…


    El TÚ por el que vale la pena luchar…






  9. “When the going gets tough, put one foot in front of the other and just keep going. Don’t give up.” ― Roy T. Bennett, 'The Light in the Heart'

  10. I am working with my client from last 3 months and didn't paid he is going to pay me on 12 jun. We are working really hard to archive the goals and i have spend to much to project suddenly i got message client is passed away he is going to pay me around $12000. I am very depressed. Keep the movement goes but I can't how can i motivated myself