Join Eckhart as he explores the hypnotic trance of thought and emotion, awareness of the objects around you without needing to name them and much more in this 20 minute meditation.
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What a Schock after peace,the creasy loud Advertising ???♀️?♀️??
Love being in the present moment ? for taking me there♥️practice practice
Love you
Here's a typical case of "not-being-present". It seems, almost 100 years ago, we where no better off than we are now… Thank you Eckhart for your teachings!
Self- Unconscious by Thomas Hardy
Along the way
He walked that day,
Watching shapes that reveries limn,
And seldom he
Had eyes to see
The moment that encompassed him.
Bright yellowhammers
Made mirthful clamours,
And billed long straws with a bustling air,
And bearing their load
Flew up the road
That he followed, alone, without interest there.
From bank to ground
And over and round
They sidled along the adjoining hedge;
Sometimes to the gutter
Their yellow flutter
Would dip from the nearest slatestone ledge.
The smooth sea-line
With a metal shine,
And flashes of white, and a sail thereon,
He would also descry
With a half-wrapt eye
Between the projects he mused upon.
Yes, round him were these
Earth's artistries,
But specious plans that came to his call
Did most engage
His pilgrimage,
While himself he did not see at all.
Dead now as sherds
Are the yellow birds,
And all that mattered has passed away;
Yet God, the Elf,
Now shows him that self
As he was, and should have been shown, that day.
O it would have been good
Could he then have stood
At a focussed distance, and conned the whole,
But now such vision
Is mere derision,
Nor soothes his body nor saves his soul.
Not much, some may
Incline to say,
To see in him, had it all been seen.
Nay! he is aware
A thing was there
That loomed with an immortal mien.
Thank you so much for being here and reminding us about it! Your videos really have a strong positive presence one can join. Happy I found your meditations this New Year.
??? oh for human nature. It's so true about humans not really interested in looking at an old chair yet that same person looks at a painting of it and they go "oh ahhhh!!" ?
thank you so much xo
your are a anti humanist and full blown narcissist
I never get tired of listening to you Eckhart ??❤
1:44 at that moment, Eckhart gifted me with a wonderful moment of satori. ?
It wake me up to a world that encompasses and includes me. I experience the oneness
At 1:44 seconds he farts
My present moment experience has changed dramatically , as I have developed Tinnitus 3 months ago. There is no silence, no emptiness , no blissful peace . ?An irritating constant high pitched noise has invaded my peace.. How does one accept this , as if one has chosen it? Dealing with this is extremely challenging.
Your skin is glowing. You are looking very healthy and that makes me so happy. You must be eating healthy and it shows??
Lieber Eckhart, danke for helping me understand and be aware “There’s more there than meets the ‘I’” love being in your company…. You cannot image the calm you bring to my heart mind and spirit.
A brilliant receipe for living our lives Eckhart!!! step by step, a really practical