At this school in Tokyo, five-year-olds cause traffic jams and windows are for Santa to climb into. Meet: the world’s cutest …
At this school in Tokyo, five-year-olds cause traffic jams and windows are for Santa to climb into. Meet: the world’s cutest …
The thumbnail reminds me of that one episode with the platelets from Cells at Work.
This kindergarden and their builders and creators totally rock!
hi…. plz watch my channel
How about during the Winter?
Que vídeo inspirador! Crianças são o maior tesouro da humanidade! As escolas de jardim de infância deveriam ser todas assim! Parabéns aos envolvidos por este projeto incrível!
What if high energy kid climbs the grill and jumps off and dies?
At 4 are in school…
Schools look like prison cell..
where we are not allowed to leave even for washroom without teachers permission…
Not allowed to even slightly lay back on chair because it shows we are not interested ?….
We are stressed before exams…
We study hours and hours memorizing without knowing concept…
If we question about anything to improve concept we are told it is not included in your syallabus or it is not of your level…
Ar end We are depressed..lost… weakened both physically and mentally..
Why they don't rename this education system as depressin system or memorizing center..
"Monkey" ?
"Sheep" ?
GOOD design make world better
The only problem that exists today with architecture is the approach of maximizing the profits of investors and a compromising policy of governments.
I wanna work in a school like this ✨
Absolutely loved the architecture design ❤ Also eye opening concept he explained really is so true. ??
No ADHD here because children can use up their energy naturally.
this is amazing
This is a great idea!
Although this is coming from someone who planned the great escape among kindergarten buddies…
Montessori have always pushed for a more progressive educational-pedagogical model. Check out the schools done be Herman Hertzberger & Aldo Van Eyck as well.
Free rage children..
Absolutely! We coddle our kids in America to the point that they get their little feelings hurt and they don’t know how to deal with it. Unfortunately the comments were turned off for the forest kindergarten video. Excellent idea! What I found interesting was that the teacher stated that in 17 years of doing forest kindergarten teaching he only had to take a kid to the hospital once and it was caused by a parent. We want our kids to be outside playing instead of inside with video games but they get hurt and the first thing we do is drag them back inside.
Amei, recomendado pelo Instituto Casa Grande!! Recomendo
One of the best Ted talks tbh, I fuckin laugh so much
This is the sweetest Ted Talk i have ever seen <3
Proceso natural de ser humanos, colectivo todos juntos, sin fronteras y con ruido y con infraestructura chica mediana y grande; lo natural es estar afuera no adentro. de manera natural cada quien encuentra su espacio.
Se les ponen riesgos, dosis de peligros. Y aprenden a ayudarse naturalmente, a cómo sobrevivir en el mundo, y se caerán a veces y aprenderán a levantarse. No es la lógica de confort y perfecccion y ser el mejor (individual). Es la lógica de aceptación de la vulnerabilidad y el desarrollo de habilidades para enfrentarla (colectivo) en la colectividad el otro nos recuerda alguna debilidad que probablemente yo no tenga y lo mismo una fortaleza. El principal valor está en la cohesión. Qué pasa cuando tal ojearon la hemos perdido o la tenemos enana. Hay que reinventarla rewstablecerla
Reparar el mundo será nuestra salvación porque nos hará repararnos a nosotros mismos, y viceversa. Pero el sentido se encuentra al mirar simultáneamente a la crisis hacia fuera y a la crisis hacia dentro, la fibra social colectiva y la fibra personal subjetiva
I design a kindergarten in this studio semester and this speech gives me a motivation of that i can change something about childeren lives and this make me helps them about their life struggles.This is the correct way to be architect.For a basic human size or a monkey size 🙂
Wow!! I am an early childhood educator in Malaysia. I really admire this architecture and children's activities.
hopefully, this design can be applied in Indonesia. thankyou to japan, love from Indonesia.
im jealous of this kindergarden design
Apparently, the tuition is only 300-400 dollars/ month. Wow
Wonderfully and wholly human…physically, socially, and spiritually!
How do you get on the roof from the bottom?
Многовато непродуманных мест. Полагаю, статистику по ушибам и травмам в этом саду нигде не публикуют?
This ws one of the most funniest and heartwarming TED talks I have seen, thankyou for the light hearted presentation, also I think such a kindergarten is every parents dream for their child.