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  1. Get any FREE audiobook of your choice here:

    If you want a suggestion for the free audiobook or for reading a book, here's FightMediocrity beginner's reading list:

    1. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki:

    2. The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss:

    3. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie:

    4. The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene:

    5. The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida:

    6. Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl:

    7. Mastery by George Leonard:

    8. Mindfulness for Beginners by Jon Kabat-Zinn:

    9. The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday:

  2. Totally agree with you Joe as human beings if we do not struggle we will become very stagnant the snowflake generation is what is now evolving I've always lived my life like a Frontiers man I trained hard and I can fight easy challenge yourself fellow human beings do not sit there and become snowflakes jump into the f**** hurricane that's what we're here for be like our forefathers well done Joe just remind our fellow human beings that they've got to get up every day and fight

  3. If there was a Christian version of this as opposed to the same old evolution narrative, I would watch this everyday. Probably while having breakfast or lunch. Everything else’s he said was spot on though. I love the enthusiastic and proactive side of Joe. Just not his stoned out, secular or atheist sides. He still makes me laugh from time to time, won’t deny that. Gotta love him.

  4. Comfort can mean a lot of different things. For instance, depression is closely corolated with NOT seeking comfort. That is; not seeking emotional comfort from others. As metastudies have shown, it is the self-reported quality of your relationships (family, friends and other loved ones) that is the greatest indicator for self-reported happiness, as well as other quality of life markers such as health span and job satisfaction.

  5. Don’t know about u guys but what I’ve noticed is u got to keep doing the opposite things that your brain doesn’t want to do , our brain always wants to keep us in these comfortable environment which makes us weak and feeble ,you got to take control coz that’s where you’ll find fulfilment

  6. Joe Rogan = Philosopher. Let’s add that to the huge list of things he is already doing. He is like a modern renaissance man!

  7. The more we're in pain and discomfort in an area of our life the more we seek comfort in the other areas and the more we're intolerant to pain and discomfort in them. The solution is to solve your problems in the problematic areas but if you can't do it immediately than at least don't spend your time thinking about the thing that make you suffer and reviving the pain. Because your heart will tell you ok I have my fair share of pain now all I want is pleasure and comfort. And you can't go against your heart. But you've got to understand it.

  8. I challenge myself to build a drone to see my model motorcycle fly, I failed the first try, I don’t give up, I will try again since I got more knowledge and got beta flight installed.

  9. Y'know what also doesn't help. Cunts in the comments casually throwing out derogatory comments about 43yr old losers who live in their mum's basement and laughing about it. These people need help not being subjected to some twat with a desire for a superiority complex.

  10. This video and all of those similar to this teaches you just so called " Pseudo confidence" its not real confidence from your heart, but instead a confidence based on your succes

  11. Thanks Joe… I still have that little annoying fear of being interrupted by some underdeveloped loser and not knowing how to make them go away, residue of past abuse by one of those exact prototype of the loser like in the video… I know this stems from mental fragility but damnit all I got to do is work on my mental toughness, it basically is all there is to it… thanks so much for bringing back a necessary simplicity. And fuck em, weaklings unaware of their own natural jealousy, as if success was a bad thing for making THEM feel behind.

  12. Joe: sit in his podcast very comfortable talking about life all day. Then he hangs out with Dana White on the weekend.

  13. This is on point. You shouldn't avoid discomfort–you should run to it. Something I teach my own subs on the tube about seeking discomfort and my response why we should: Joe Rogan states and I agree that we should seek discomfort. Comfort is what our brain tries to direct us toward. Discomfort is what makes us excel. The discomfort of getting up and starting for the gym or that run. The discomfort of signing up for that new certification in IT to advance your resume. The discomfort of turning off the social media to do yoga. All of these things–seeking discomfort are what send you on the path of advancement. You make yourself go to the gym after work to advance your career. Why are the two related? Because the discipline you build in exercise and clean diet transcends over to the career. And that is what most people miss—you don't seek discomfort just on one area—you strive to sharpen your sword in every plane of your life. Hope that helps—Charles