It's considered to be very secret ?

It's considered to be very secret ?

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  1. I'm sorry, this guy once said that the kundalini source was our life power, retarded hurtzian waves where he sources Tesla. Now its not. If he could remember the things he says before hand and got it together, that be great.

  2. I can feel a magnetic liquid around me and manipulate it with my hands to some extent when I do a deep breathing meditation. The only other time I felt this was when I was a teenager. A Native American woman sang a song about the Trail of Tears and told me to put my hands out. When she placed hers above mine it pushed mine away like magnets on polar ends. It’s a recent occurrence for myself but I’ve been able to do it for the past five nights. Is this the electromagnetic field and how is it I can feel it?

  3. There is only one ancient tradition, only representations were different due to languages. When dark age called abrahamics came into existence ancient tradition started declining. The only place where ancient tradition is still alive now is Bharat which people of the world know as India. Unfortunately it is also in declining here due to nefarious abrahamic cults.