“I Was Broke and Now I'm a Billionaire” | Motivational Video

“I Was Broke and Now I'm a Billionaire” | Motivational Video

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  1. June 2021 my life will change financially I will have financial freedom I wanna also change a few people lives once I’m rich see the smile on my auntie face and my best friend that would make me feel good to know I can put them in a good position financially

  2. Have a good journey and a good journey. Let your journey be guided by the banner of joy, good luck, inspiration and prosperity. I wish you a great and successful trip with all my heart!

  3. Great video! I enjoyed it, the market is all about crypto at the moment, 2021 stock market is just difficult and unbelievable, i rather invest my money on crypto.

  4. Meditation will not carry you to another world manifestation.guide but it will reveal the most profound and awesome dimensions of the world in which you already live. Calmly contemplating these dimensions and bringing them into the service of compassion and kindness is the right way to make rapid gains in meditation as well as in life.

  5. Successful people don’t become that way overnight. Most people see at a glance-wealth a great career, purpose is the result of hard work and hustle over time. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life

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