How to Trick Your Brain to Like Doing Hard Things – Atomic Habits by James Clear

How to Trick Your Brain to Like Doing Hard Things – Atomic Habits by James Clear

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Atomic Habits by James Clear is the best self-improvement book right now.

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If you want a suggestion for the free audiobook or for reading a book, here’s FightMediocrity beginner’s reading list:
1. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki:
2. The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss:
3. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie:
4. The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene:
5. The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida:
6. Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl:
7. Mastery by George Leonard:
8. Mindfulness for Beginners by Jon Kabat-Zinn:
9. The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday:

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  1. A friend of mine lost 100 pounds over the course of a year. He said he didn't go on any special diets. (He was over 40 yo and had already tried many diets.) He said, "The only way to lose weight is to throw away your TV." He also bought a professional camera and started going out taking photos. It's amazing how one simple change from TV watcher to photographer completely changed his life.

  2. things like diet and excersice don/t account for 7 years of life expectancy , that's the only thing that truly matters when it comes to our life and body. You can say and think how much you want that you can/t wait to get old and all that bulshit. If you eat crap and do nothing all day/every day you will not get to see old and smart .

  3. Im trying 'small improvements' with many things lol. Compounding is key for me. I think about where would these projects be if I just did one little part every day for a few weeks. Then I realize where id be at now had I started even earlier and that keeps me going.

  4. I'm really not sure about the flu shot example. Sounds like something we have just been through, I would imagine when people had the choice they thought yeah I'd rather get the flu and build my immune system so I can live longer. When they got a letter saying your appointment is booked they probably thought if I don't I'm going to be fired. It's actually a disgusting example to be honest.

  5. The only conclusion I’ve drawn from countless hours of trying to find answers on how to change is that you have to do it the hard way and that’s the only way

  6. There is always a point of diminishing returns. Every psycho babbling motivator never acknowledges this. They sell you an idea with no warranty and no accountability. Selling you online packages for improvement is the biggest scam of the century, they feed off your greed and fear without having to guarantee anything and if it doesn’t work, well it must be you.

  7. @fightmediocrity can you please put me in touch who who ever doea your video efforts? I really like this style and want to work with them for my online course.