How Do You Know When Higher Consciousness Guides You?

How Do You Know When Higher Consciousness Guides You?

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  1. As Eckhart Tolle says it is easy to be distracted by the mind instead of becoming aware of higher consciousness. This is essential. But really this is the first step to higher consciousness. Just like those who have near death experiences we can use out of body travel and visit heaven before we die to learn of higher consciousness first hand as all the saints of old have done. For anyone interested here is a video on my out of body experience to heaven-    Near death like experience in the God Realm-  Near Death Like Experience In The God Realm part 1 of 2. Their is the Vardankar channel if you are adventurous enough and have let go of the mind enough to want to explore heaven.

  2. Its always the mind which guides. Higher consciousness need not guide you ,
    higher consciousness is complete by itself it has no desire to guide ego its
    always the mind that gathers consciousness that guide you. consciousness
    is neither a subject or an object its the totality that allow us to
    see and feel the presence of mind (the subject and the object) . we
    (ego) could supply it or use it to find our -self that we are not mind
    but the non doer or higher consciousness or we are totality by our-self.
    So its always the mind that desires and guide itself to higher

  3. I'm sure that elongated 'teeeeeeeee' sound which comes before every video of this great man has a deeper meaning, it's probably meant to get us more concentrated or aware.

  4. The thinking mind or ego will be fully off. You will FEEL the other persons intention. There will be no interpretation by the thinking mind. The feeling comes from deep within, almost from the center of the body or spine. It is slightly euphoric. This imparts the truth to you, you feel the truth and know it. There is no thought involved.

  5. trust/distrust is a belief. you need belief because you do not have enough consciousness.
    when your insight arise, you 'see' things clearly and 'know' what to do. the same way you know the right time to cross the busy road.

  6. It's not always mistrust thou, but inner guiding. Like having two roads in front of you and you have to go left or right..You'r inner compass is often guiding you. Often the inner compass is telling you "no/yes/this is hurting us/this is not for us", but we call it fear or something else and say; "shh", shame and guilt show up; "You shouldn't feel that around this person.." So you shoose hurting yourself in fear of being judgemental..? but is it judgemental, really?…I'm Just saying; fear is not always what one think. -I have been saying 'shh' to my inner compass; to trust, to never fear anything, to not speak up when i maybe should? Stay in situations and say no to myself and yes to others… so I guess I try to find my balance.. (In my personal journey and context right now, i thought I should mention this).

  7. i am experiencing self realization ..i am in state of higher consciousness and everything started after i read book "power of your subconscious" and little bit about Carl Jung theory morning i woke up fully aware of everyone and everything around me…started in february and i am still the same ..i don't care for nothing but spiritual world money no riches not even sex nor any other urges except mind and spirit ..i feel i am part of universe and universe is i me..i am absolutions fear no hate no envy no negativity ..i am embracing everything regardless of its bad or painful ..i can handle pain which i could not do it before this experience ..i know death is not the end and i will embrace it as part of life ..all i want and all i have urge for is nature and my family …i feel presence of God and holy spirit ..