"Don't you wish someone had told you this when you were 20?"

"Don't you wish someone had told you this when you were 20?"

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►Special thanks to Douglas Kruger !

*Meet Douglas Kruger at www.douglaskruger.com.
Find his books in ebook and paperback format here: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Douglas+Kruger&i=audible&ref=dp_byline_sr_audible_1

*Or try his audio books here: https://www.audible.es/?ref=Adbl_ip_rdr_from_US&ipRedirectFrom=US&ipRedirectOriginalURL=author%2FDouglas-Kruger%2FB00JCNUR5E%3Fref%3Da_search_c3_lAuthor_1_1_1%26pf_rd_p%3D83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f%26pf_rd_r%3DN69VBAVPYJX7046FZF64

0:00 Intro
0:23 The poor are getting poorer
3:26 The big trap
4:03 Woderful true story
6:09 What you can do

►If you struggle and have a hard time, consider taking an online therapy session with our partner BetterHelp. https://tryonlinetherapy.com/dailymotivation. We receive commissions for referrals to BetterHelp. We only recommend products we know and trust.

►SELF-HYPNOSIS AUDIO PROGRAMS: http://bit.ly/2jVoXRb (Reprogram Your Subconscious)

►MOTIVATIONAL CLOTHES Be a Dreamer http://onlydreamersallowed.com

©️ SOURCE CREDIT: Thinking rich or poor – How to train your brain for wealth (live presentation) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EBTYhCiiXk&t=1217s

?BACKGROUND MUSIC licensed through AudioJungle & Epidemic Sound

?FOOTAGE licensed through VideoBlocks, Filmpac and Artgrid except parts about the topic that have been used under fair use.

►All materials in these videos are used for educational purposes and fall within the guidelines of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. If you are or represent the copyright owner of materials used in this video and have a problem with the use of said material, please send me an email,
[email protected], and we can sort it out.

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  1. "you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.”

    If you are reading this, never ever give up, we have potential to accomplish our Goals and will succeed. I am cheering for you.
    Have a very good day!.

  2. “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.”
    – Maya Angelou

    Decide not to be reduced by them my friend. ?

  3. “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.”

    ―Dale Carnegie

    Have a Nice Day! ?

  4. Worst video of this channel. Usually your content is great, but this is bollocks. So she became a millionaire by age 26 by putting away half of her monthly salary for years? The average salary in the US is about 30K. that's less than 2.5K a month. And when you're younger, it's even substantially less. But let's give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she started working at the age of 16 and made 2.5K a month. That would be 1.25K per month times 12 months times 11 years. That would only amount to about 165K. So that's a preposterous fairytale right there.

  5. Watch out for scammers with fake accounts replying on own comment trying to bait people in. Report this video and channel please because they don't do anything about this.

  6. Oh, come on, have you ever been to Eastern Europe? Have you ever been to Africa? People on the Balkans get salaries that are barely enough for food and bills, people in Africa barely have any jobs and food and suddenly you are like 10 minutes just saying "Oh, life is super easy, just earn more than you spend". Here is a real piece of advice to all the people who also like me think this video is a complete nonsense. First develop a high income skill ( it should be something you like and you need to put a lot of time and effort in it), quit all the bad habits, start eating healthy, meditate, workout. Commit yourself into this lifestyle for at least a month. You will see the difference. Everything starts from within. Because this video sounds like it advises a single mom to sell her child so she can cut her expenses.

  7. Gotta Say, the lord giveth and the lord taketh away. Working on my 3rd in life's fortune, hopefully this one won't be taken away.
    btw- first 2 were grace, no doubt.