DON'T GET COMFORTABLE – Best Self Discipline Motivational Speech

DON'T GET COMFORTABLE – Best Self Discipline Motivational Speech

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  1. Motivation Hub
    the question I want to ask you is who do you want to

    Bret cut cable
    I didn't record channel 22

    and/or you ask alla
    what does Bret and I
    and Cary
    have to do with your client maricela you must defend
    and lynn his Lawyer must defend and jennifer
    client or not client
    you both must defend
    so-called family.

    Bret and I and Cary
    we could let you know truth
    you and/or someone
    doesn't cut us off

  2. Yall are all part of the trap. Comfortable people are good people and grateful people. It doesn't mean you don't prepare for the future. People who are afraid of comfort is what is propelling insecurity, anxiety, depression, confusion and a lack of balls. Yall are driven by your ego. And every video on YouTube will keep you in the trap.