Coping With Anxiety And Illness | Q&A Eckhart Tolle

Coping With Anxiety And Illness | Q&A Eckhart Tolle

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“I’m Having Difficulty Coping With Cancer”. In this Video Eckhart Explains how illness can open the doorway to awakening.
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  1. Wow! Is it youtube magical or the Universe? but today i fell ill (not the prostate cancer of course) and feel like a capricious child)))) but thanks to Ekhart my state of consciousness is fine)))

  2. Herbal medicine is 100% guarantee of sarcoidosis cure, the reason why most patient are finding it difficult to cure SARCOIDOSIS is because they believe on medical report, drugs and medical treatment which is not helpful to cure SARCOIDOSIS. Natural Roots & herbs are the best remedies which can easily eradicate SARCOIDOSIS so herbal medicine is the best remedies for it. I was once a patient of SARCOIDOSIS now I give thanks to spiritual doctor. Contact Doctor Oje on YouTube channel is there for cure.

  3. 6:41 “if there is pain…you also need to surrender” wow. The way he just mentions in passing a concept that has practically single handedly gotten me through my painful stomach issues

  4. Health issues are my biggest challenge–I am jealous Eckhart never goes to hospitals, has any health issues, etc, etc.. I practically live in doctor's offices and most of my life is consumed with my health issues many of which are fatal

  5. Use the illness to be present moment awareness, if there is no physical pain from this illness
    Avoid excessive dwelling on illness or you as victim of this illness

  6. Illness arises from mental activities. It forces you to return to intense presence.
    Time becomes irrelevant. Ego can't survive.
    Thanks Eckhart. ☕??♥️???♥️????

  7. My life turned upside down through severe panic attacks and states of extrem anxieties, I went in situations and couldn’t control my body’s shaking. I secluded myself after other illnesses in the body. I am slowly seeing it as my biggest life opportunity to awaken. The shaking in hindsight felt most alive and I even sometimes miss it.

  8. I think it's harder when you are in constant pain 24/7, It's harder to feel peaceful than because it's instinctively just not ok. it's not the thoughts but the feeling itself