7 Things You Need to Understand to Stop Being Lazy – Atomic Habits by James Clear

7 Things You Need to Understand to Stop Being Lazy – Atomic Habits by James Clear

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  1. Of course “pre-commitment” works in the given example. The employees were simply railroaded into compliance, and this is effective because most people lack the courage to say no when they are being pushed.

  2. I love skating but I kept making excuses not to go. So I said : everyday when I get home after work, as long as the sun is up (not night or rain) I will put on all the safety gear and lace up my skates (which takes a while). And if that’s all I do then that’s fine. But I have yet to take them all off without skating.

  3. Great video – except the 2-25 list. I think that a lot of people simply can't work hardcore on their top 5 things, they need time out and to do less stressful and quite possibly more interesting things in their career, even though they are less important.

  4. Precommitment? Someone tells me I have an appointment on such and such date and time I will not attend, just because someone is telling me what to do.

  5. Just be Authentic! Take one day at a time. Anything else , does not matter! Laziness , some earned it long time ago. Popcorn is not my reward. It’s my Truth, Trust and Faith in God. If you allow , others to be And keep you from being your true self you miss the boat! I give it all to God. God Bless