10 things You Can Do To Help With Your Sleep Right NOW | Michael Breus

10 things You Can Do To Help With Your Sleep Right NOW | Michael Breus

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  1. Before you listen to this; I wanted to tell you, that you are beautiful and exceptional. Also your a phenomenal human being; I love you and I hope more positive experiences will start happening in your life, if they haven't already. Keep moving forward my friend; start adopting positive and beneficial habits & behaviors. Eat healthy and treat yourself with kindness, in addition to others also. Fair well my friend; God Bless you ?

  2. Follow these tips for a more restful night.

    Keep regular sleep hours. …

    Create a restful sleeping environment. …

    Make sure your bed is comfortable. …

    Exercise regularly. …

    Cut down on caffeine. …

    Do not over-indulge. …

    Do not smoke. …

    Try to relax before going to bed.

  3. Hemp Oil works best for me for the most soundest sleep. It trumps everything else. Better than melatonin and is not habit forming or addictive, all natural solution.

  4. Thanks for sharing Mindvalley 🙂 So I wake up one every night for a toilet visit & it takes about 20 to 30 min. to fall back to sleep, thus I never sleep all the way through the night. How does that affect my rest quality?

  5. 1.Stick with your chronotype bed time and wake-up time.
    2.1 hour to cool down before bed time(note gratitude things, medication,personal hygiene,..)
    If you take a nap, remember 1 hour lying and relax ,only 20 mins you sleep.
    Those are things i will practice for 21 days(4/8/2021->25/8/2021)

  6. Appreciative of Dr. Michael J. Breus teaching video’s and online Chrono quiz, as learned I’m a Lion. I purchased via Audible Dr. Breus book, The Power of When, to learn far more in-depth information when Lions should do everything!

    Thank you Mind Valley and Dr. Breus!

    p.s. The Power of Gratitude + Vitamin D + Magnesium… ? ? ?

  7. A very stimulating interview: Engaging, thoughtful and cohesive. I found myself taking a few notes! very unusual. I will follow up on some of the techniques. Thank you.

  8. My chronotype is a dolphin is it okay just to lay down during the day for a half an hour and close my eyes I do not nap during the day because it's impossible for me to fall asleep during the day LOL so is it okay for a dolphin to lay down in the middle of the day for half an hour or so?
    Thank you very much! Also how much banana tea should I drink before bed when I have a cup of tea before bed I usually go to the bathroom more than usual