Wisdom In Daily Life

Wisdom In Daily Life

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    I love Eckhart's style, brilliantly makes such Clear statements about Self-Actualization, Nature & Value of Being in the Now, Fully conscious. Here's a blog on some profound questions about the ways to shake the mind free of the Self so that One can experience being in the Now.

    The release, or balancing of Egoic Self, & the state of Pure Consciousness of the Self, not the mind's brainwashed vehicle, & as  somewhat hard to describe as a topic yet we find in the poetics & meta-physics of language metaphor to suggest the idea. To understand & pay attention while we breathe in even awareness, kindly re-directing any random thought back into, quiet down, breathe & sit, meditate, Be, the nature of the 3rd Eye or Liberated Self. 

    It, the state of Being is not achieved by simply experiencing LSD (or other such psychedelics), but to in life, Being in Presence, this so called "process" & state of Higher Consciousness. That we must truly Live Now, & Be as Source. Our brains & bodies, our DNA have all they need to make this Shift. So clearly, here they bring clarity without dogma or religion but of Spirit-Source or the state of Presence, one is connected to, all connected by merely, Being. That drugs can not Give you that "state" of Being, as in sober everyday life.

    But they, (LSD/psychedelics) can reveal the massive change to the user profoundly (as in the case of Ram Dass, a Harvard Psychologist, psilocybin) of losing of one's Unconscious mind state, where some forms of related Mystical, experiences may show user expanded consciousness that there is this "way to "be"". This blog is relating this in light of this discussion forum, & the question of psychedelics.

    These ways have been correlated in our western culture, as use of Psychedelics to explore  consciousness increased in the 50-60's & so on to today, these compounds have & can in some people with significant regularity, found to have strong, often life changing Mystical or "religious" experiences via these tastes of being in expanded consciousness. These people are known well to have gone on to trying or followed either Buddhist, Taoist, Gnostic Christian, Cabballah, Vedic, teachings, or a blend of them.

    Is this another way to invoke & bring about  expending consciousness, after these experiences & go on to living, Being in the Now, the True Self. "I am, that I am'". Eckhart reminds his sad childhood & deep depression & thoughts of painful life story & suicide from the age of about 6 were his predispositions to becoming so sad at the level of his story at that time, that he says this is a way to find separation of Self & Ego, Self & the talking mind, negative self talk.

    If so, such dangerous means or really just Human life condition circumstances, perhaps are substances long used in Mystical Cultural Rites (including the modern) to lead one to this state of Being be a contender for considerable consideration, as a way to cause this change? Truly, it already long has been. 

    This state of The Self, Being in Now, does not require that you join anything or go to any one book or person for the info or technique for tuning into the Now. Often people are more or less self-taught, in spontaneous awakening (Like Eckhart's, Self-Initiation) the "thoughtless state of Aware Knowing" arises. Throughout history this state is known as a Mystical sense of Self. The Path to/of the Enlightened state. Not this yoga nor that, or this drug or not.

    That said, you may (as Eckhart does in Buddhist teachings) finds correlation in this book or that, what that Teacher said, because as you Awaken, a revealing of the wisdom's of say Buddhism, without necessarily becoming a full practicing Buddhist. The correlation in Buddhist "ideas of expression", for the sake of words & a ways to "spell out feelings" of Being in the Now, to  show their meaning & purpose, now in the context of the west. All are speak of this deeper or divine state of consciousness. It is difficult at times to discuss things that truly have no labels as such but a signature felt by the Self.   

    The "two" topics of the mystical rite uses for psychedelic drugs, or Power Plants to get connected to a mystical experience or just meditation, mantra to spark the 1st seeds opening of Presence or Consciousness.

    Love the videos with Dr W. Dyer, Ram Dass & Eckhart as we get to see the Unity of any Duality turned into One-ness, as we can hear the One wisdom, twice spoken. These teachings show the Nature of Being One without Egoic unconsciousness, of labels & pride of story, for use towards the Un-lable-able. Here, these teachings are spoke so beautifully & concisely clear. That most clarifying statement here, is that LSD is not like or a substitute for Raising One's Consciousness of Consciousness. This process must occur separate from the taking of any drug. That drug may however, frame with experience the Mystical sense of self, & the expended perception revealing tyhe higer sense of Self. 

    Eckhart's videos & books are great modern treasures for putting the Ego in it's place & Being. The True Self of One-ness, Unity Being-ness, to try & describe it. I hope this blog may help even one or 2 people with any of these ideas.

    On Psychedelics & Igniting Higher Consciousness… Forum Questions:
    ~ Ram Dass-Eckhart Tolle ~ Love, I am.

    Both Ram Dass & Eckhart Tolle (from the longer version of the above video). Portion of what Eckhart said about "psychedelic" experiences is somewhat different than what many of us in western cultures felt, & witnessed in the 60's to today. This is written to explain the mystical experiences these compounds may have, depending on the individual. Specifically focused on the talk Eckhart Tolle & Ram Dass had & what they said about LSD/THC/ Psilocybin – Psychedelics at a recent forum conference they spoke at & why I am passionate of this whole topic when related to Spiritual Re-Awakening…. This is my reason for such a blog. Namaste
    This was a time of leaps in understanding Psychology, Spiritual Knowing & more over one's ability to understand, you are consciousness. This is possible without interference of the conditioned mind. From the Rituals of the ancients & modern Indigenous People's, still use (as Carlos Castaneda & Don Juan) these sacred herbs: Peyote (Mescaline), Psilocybin (Mushrooms), Marijuana (THC), are in the same category of "Psychosomatic &  Psycho-active" natures of these organic compounds are now well studied & there is tremendous history, post-modern that bears out much of the part the herbs have still today to help people reach out to Higher Consciousness for 1000s of years. And this happened on mass starting in the early 1960's in the West.
    Ram Dass & Eckhart Tolle be asked at a very large forum about these medicinal herbs or "Power-plants" as in Carlos Castaneda's books. These were used to bring about mystical & sacred Spiritual experience for onward Spiritual growth after the "taking of the experience" onward to Awakening & Enlightenment. As the rack of "Suicide" is a thing that lead Eckhart to discover himself to breaking free from the conditioned mind, to Be as one with Source, (through his psychology of depression, negative self-, talk). So this state, was used to point out the Self opposed to one's Ego to quiet his mind & see the "Knowing-ness". Rituals of many cultures & their Spiritual Traditions all point to, use of psychedelics, so should we consider these substances for the purpos or modus operadi of creating conditions of the Self's awakening perception, an understanding that leads to Being in the Now.

    Soul-Talk of "Love" as Ram Dass states is the Higher Level of Consciousness (as opposed to the Unconscious mind-self identification). The Soul is "rooted in love"…in one's Ego you are not in One-ness with the Universe but separate. The Self identified as the Ego. Shared consciousness, as Ram Dass says, as you perceive other people, you feel connected to each other  & you. This state is hinted at in the Mystical experiences reported by persons that take psychedelics by a huge noted margin.

    Some may & some may not go on to pursue Spiritual Awakening. I believe this is how Eckhart has been asked, "isn't this a bit like LSD?" He finally took some so he could answer these questions he got with some frequency, to propel him to try them for the purpose of having an answer.
    With spiritual sense known as the "I am, that I am" state of Being", this alone resounds & echoes when we expend our consciousness by such means (psychedelics or meditation to "tune in" or "transform", loosen & break the grip of a linear thought process & Live the Truth of who one Is.

    Here I speak about these compounds… Psychedelics: Peyote (Mescaline), Magick Mushrooms (Psilocybin),  Marijuana (Tetra-hydra-Cannibals or THC) & Abbey Hoffman's LSD: Lysergic acid diethylamide 25, an ergoline compound (known as LSD or just Acid) of a grain fungus known a Ergot, the only 'one' here that is synthesized. *DMT needs a mention, a naturally occurring plant extract present in grasses & plants all over the Earth that the brain produces naturally in the Pineal gland, like chemicals induced via meditation (& often associated with Near Death Experiences) as the brain is believed to emit this DMT as the brain shuts down during the process of death. The feeling of total bliss *It's experience is said to be the most powerful & benevolent of all, by many.

    Eckhart Tolle's experiences with "psychedelics" (trying THC & LSD once) is somewhat different than what many of "us" in western cultures experienced, not just as individuals but as collectives seen in the 60's, 70's on to today! He had an interesting response about THC saying it is .."Maple syrup for the mind"…and this may not be far off. As he relates that his experience of LSD, he states it as "colors shouting at me" & a simple intensification of the 5 senses.
    This leaves amiss, the Mystical experience so often reported & starkly unlike many people's reported effects. Simply saying amping up of 5 physical senses is relevant to Eckhart's experience (colors yelling at me) yet so many have linked their experiences to also revealing a 6th…sacred intuition, the mystical feeling & sense of potential felt at times during & after the drugs effect are over. Like, that's the potential of just a few parameters altered? Why am I here? What is my purpose? These questions are also associated with the after effects of the experience. That potential realized when one develops interest in mediation & mystical books. Yes, there are a number of bad sad self-help books but some beautiful teachings (sometimes literally taught by the wind & tree & seas! About becoming One that Be's. 

    These substances cause a disconnect to the linear brain & a huge ramp of varieties energy to (Mystical experiences), he states allowing the mind to shutdown analytical thought as Mr Tolle describes. No mention of the mystical!

    This said, he does relate the in turning up the awareness of Conscious perception in the "mind-body" that creates a re-connect to Source energy & this Knowing as above, via shutting down linear thought, roughly "quieting the mind". I wish to state here, it is a tad understating the affect & usefulness of these substances in turning up the Mystical, primal Knowing that makes up the term as "mind-manifesting" or Psychedelic. It is after these experiences that the affects halting the mind's power to disrupt one's ability to break-through to Consciousness of Consciousness, not the experiences themselves nor taking the substance to create this. (Such as, I am not suggesting that the use of Peyote is anything more than a viewing-point that produces changes in the Self's understanding of "Being Now"  Then one seeks out the mystical & real growth happens after no longer being on the substance.

    When used in ritual consumption, not simple recreation, Psychedelics contain a significant potential to reveal the Spirit as the Conscious Self as your Being sheds the mind for perhaps the 1st time in a meaningful way. This is the significance of these compounds. These Sacred Substances have a long relationship in Spiritual Rites of ancient to modern day cultures from Native American & many other Shamanistic orders throughout our history, in particular Eastern Wisdom of ancient Indigenous people's.
    Thus, these medicines must get the correct credit for the massive social and personal change from the early 60's now in this New Age from the Ritual use or accidental sacred use. (as with Carlos Castaneda & Don Juan using these sacred Peyote-Mescaline used to create a hole in the veil of linear reality & allow Spiritual awareness: the Shaman in us all). Ecology, care for the Earth & living in Peace became the hallmarks of this early era. Why?
    For it is Psilocybin (Mushrooms) Ram Dass experienced 1st as a Harvard psychologist working with Dr. Tom Leary (once tossed out of Harvard, he has since been apologized to & honoured for his ground breaking work that was just ahead of its time) was directly responsible for Ram Dass to go & seek out his Guru and his quest for Awakening, Ascension (not on LSD/Etc). That is a feat most yoga,. mystical books often fail to convey as readily as "The Experience". Yoga & ancient texts of wisdom work much better after expanding your definition of consciousness….it is key.

    Marijuana (THC), are in the same category of "Psychosomatic &  Psycho-active" natures of these organic compounds are now well studied & there is tremendous history, to post-modern that bears out much of the part the herbs have still today to help people reach out to Higher Consciousness for 1000s of years. It just so happens that our Brains have receptors that allow THC, LSD etc to sync with the firing of our brains that other-wise be meaningless.

    Pot is medicine: it has a Patent by the US Gov't to lessen brain damage from trauma. It with "Charlotte's Web" a powerful anti-spasmodic, for: Parkinson's, Muscular dystrophy, anti-carcinogenic, pain control, eye health, anti-nausea & anti-depressant. These are just a few yet it is listed as a USA Class 1 Narcotic  stating "no medical value"…this is blasphemy as law & Science.

    LSD 25 is very strong, & only a tiny micro dosage is ever needed. It leaves the body quickly. It is processed in the body in about 1 hour & it is after it has been mostly out of the bloodstream when it's side affect takes place, the Experience. I am not recommending anyone take any drug without God, a Dr & or Shaman… God, Source, Oneness will not become clear to everyone whom takes it, just as many that do Yoga or meditate, stay "present" truly present may never find the Tao or the Way, no matter how much they sit, or read about mystical knowing, it will remain a mystery. This is where these medicines come in as such powerful change agents in a deeply brain washed world.

    Why in the 60's/70's (LSD was legal until April 66) did so many start to look into the Spiritual teaching of Zen, the Tao & Vedic wisdom? I submit, that a new perspective was gained & thus when acted upon, to a true Awakening of "I am", or  I am not my body… a huge social & personal revolution l & Why am I here (where did I come from…what is my purpose in this life). Also, the actual Modus Operandi of emotional healing, awakening to Self-liberation is in the asking of such questions, not in mundane answers that elude the point!
    So, why am I here? … some say is impossible to answer. It's in the asking that growth occurs. The possible answer though includes: Happiness! For the re-connection Consciously to the Universe, Source, or Godhead. Or the Universe experiencing itself.
    It is in that these drugs are more than just Drugs, they can be a Vortex experience – these drugs create life changing events not a simple pill like Valium with psychosomatic properties but a mind opening, mind-expanding type mind-spirit edge experience in some that they discover their true Spiritual Path after, without the drug. 

    A 1st ever quiet room for those that hear or an explosion of sound for the deaf (aka – Tommy). Eckhart did not describe the mystical in the same way Ram Dass has. I suspect, but of course do not know, that he was Awakened at the time he took these thus he is in the Mystical experience already. Just not for all, like a person following to their best, Mr Tolle's methods, may still not find the Path to Oneness & a quieted mind after 30 years at it. These herbs have a reputation for assisting to start this process. To find the Path then either follow it, or define it as a recreational experience (Eckhart nor Ram Dass suggested this).
    It's nice to see we can achieve this without drugs…as the Spiritual Path in the long-run & end just knowing Now. We should simply not dismiss these herbs as not significant M.O. to jump start one's buried Awareness to Awakening is simply not the case.
    The Now: NO MEDICINAL PLANT, TAKEN, NONE, will ever be *Substitutes for Spiritual growth itself*. Taking them will not cause  Enlightenment, but they point the way instantly & clearer than most methods needed to break to hold on linear thought, blocking out the Conscious Self living in an Unconscious state.
    To live in the "Now" 1st the Self must break the hold of this unconscious state people live in when our potential not just as individuals but in that our Collective Being is overlooked by not knowing to look for anything else in Physical Life. The conditioning is simply too strong to not count these "Power Plants" in the arsenal of methods to create the conditions beginning growth of Spiritual Knowing. They must be followed with the actual search for breaking the mind's hold & living in the Now, without the need for any herb or drug.
    So, letting One find themselves as part of a greater Oneness, a glimpse for the 1st time at the potential of Conscious perception outside the "box" of 3D life. It is here, especially for this, these herbs have a big role in creating a powerful knowing then enhanced & cultivated by Meditation, Spiritual wisdom (Vedic, Taoist, Buddhist, Cabballa-ist, Gnostic Christian).

    * They do not produce enlightenment of themselves, they merely open the mind up by much more than amplification of the 5 senses…such as a revealing of a 6th sense, of new scope on the magical intuition. Onto a new Knowing of a new dimension of so called reality. To create true growth this is where the drug switches to the actual Path of personal Spiritual Growth. In that Dr Deepak Chopra admits the LSD experience at 17 helped him to better understand the nature of his own knowing, unlocking the Bhagavad-Gita (Song of the Lord) and to start of his quest, along with many others in the "Higher Consciousness" or "The Shift", New Age movement, here now in a medical Dr of the Academia…(I know, labels, labels…).
    Many people are Awakening "Spontaneously" in this new age, some without ever taking  single toke or hit, this is to be sure. They are also achieving this without a Guru or traditional methods because the knowing is in us all. Having a Guru maybe be great for some, but others not practical. Meditation has the same limits just like drugs or Gurus, in that only you can Awaken that One-ness in yourself. I would hope that this is where the Human race is going one way or the other. Flight or Flight evolution will likely other-wise kill us! We must awaken these parts of our Primal self & suddenly the Great Religions, that have caused more killing & war than nation-ism so to see them with a complete way of understanding them & practicing them is huge.

    Example: When the Church in the 3rd century edited out some of the most important books of what we call the "bible", and even King's of later Europe had these books adapted to allow as in the case of Constantine  conspiring to reduce the Bible to a means to better control & create fear in the populations as they tried to stamp out Paganism & the Earth "religions" of the people's that like Native Americans, that they belonged to Earth not the other way around…but I digress.
    In my 5 experiences I felt a mystical being-ness that I never felt so strongly before, not the just colors intense or a feeling of super-sensitivity, I was suddenly more aware that the expanding mind of things not being simply as the mundane order of modern western physical life permitted. It wasn't just sense perception but mystical experience. I began my Spiritual Awakening spontaneously so to speak, as I did it without taking a Guru, nor via joining some Secret or Sacred order. As I grew, I was magically was lead to books & teachers through them in a very noticeable Synchronicity. 
    LSD etc are not The Path to Enlightenment! Like meditation or studying the great wisdom of say the Buddha: some get it by the method & some say, "I don't see it! after 20 years". Expanded perception, leads to opening up the veil on mundane reality so that a foot hold is gained in this new dimension, for further actual "cleansing of the connection to Source or Godhead, Goddess, Knowing" as many do not have the time to go to Tibet or India, or take guru, & this model is not for all. Tuning into my Spirit….after years of "saying" my prayers each day in school had done little, but tell me we had 1 or 2 Jewish kids in my grade 2 class.
    So, how does one get through to the Doors of Perception? Eckhart Tolle had a spontaneous awakening & this is a great sign of the age. He had already achieved Satori, & Awakening.
    Mystical Rites of Shaman teachers for 1000's of years & a connection to Peyote etc I believe this is important to point out. Aldous Huxley to Carl Yung…the New Way of Spirit. Being in the Now: Consciousness of itself. Synchronicity is the hallmarks of Being in the Now.
    I hope this adds to the comments in that great meeting of two wonderful Souls & teachers statements, to give clarification to any contrast to Ram Dass's response (as he was taking the 'herb' 1st, then sought out further Spiritual guidance, as opposed to Mr Tolle's reversed order: Awakened then took the meds) to the huge "question" that was asked about the significance of these compounds to the Mystical experience to them, both. I hope I've qualified these "caveats" of the Nature of LSD & Mystical excursion one relates to as having…must then the Self go onto Growth organically… as one can not achieve Enlightenment by taking any drug, just expanded perception, then use its potential to give insight. Again, Spiritual growth: no drug replicates nor causes it as such, but LSD & the others grow interest in Mystical thought. Put it this way, you have to be open & aware of "it" to go on to become enlightened.

    I have studied these drugs, Spiritual growth & so much more study in our greatest Universities today on these compounds is making great strides in so many directions! The "Power-Plants" (as described in Carlos Castaneda) can lead one anthropologist in to the mystical.
    Like experiences from the single time use of LSD/Peyote yet the purpose may or may not have been to seek out the True Self. After taking it, so many have gone onto search for or achieve spiritual enlightenment. I want to be 1 more helping the Mother Earth to avoid self-destruction & knowing yourself as not the "social" you known as the Ego is key. She'll survive, it is us & innocents that may perish! Psychedelics helped many people realize higher truths, think hard about Peace. Spiritual Growth was suddenly front & center as people Awakened at increased rates due to exposure to these substances.
    * In talking about the Journey to Awakening & the just 'Being' in Now, in Unity: this is done only by the natural "inner" progression of relating to Nowness. No drug can do it!
    * Also, Psychedelics are not the Path but can show that One exists. Only Awakening is the one-way ticket to Enlightenment, as One can carry this Divine nudge on after you are no longer under the duress of any substance but the experience itself, so very powerful, searching for your higher Self. This, where connection to Source begins to cleans itself, from a corroded & buried condition because of Unconscious thought. Being in the "Now" without self-talk, the Tao, the Path, the Way, Enlightenment, Nirvana, Satori, a Seeker & Being in Oneness with Source/Universe/God/goddess.
    * Being in the Nature of one's Spirit in the Now, beyond that veil of unconsciousness, maybe attained by meditation & all other Spiritual practices without needing to take any drug PERIOD. This is the great thing: it is you & always was who you were & are, no drug causes this nor allows it. 
    * Aldous Huxley author of "Doors of Perception" & :"Brave New World": It's Psychedelics ability to turn the latch & create a crack in the Door to Higher Consciousness, what those may be, what many people in the Academia this class of drugs have been studied because near exclusively as they have had this effect of cultures of Tribal peoples to this day & in droves in the 60-70's.
    * LSD/etc is not the Path, Tao, God, Source or whatever we call it, yet these plants used in proper sense disrupt the mind & stir the Sacred feelings these substances are well-known to have affects on. But, as Ram Dass says, it allows in as little as a single use to set a person onto a "Actual Path of Awakening" & Enlightenment. Once one can get the peek at Mystical experiences, you can seek out mystery, quiet the mind & see with the Heart….in Oneness with all Beings.  
    * Eckhart states, that it can take all the way of a painful, depressing life to suicide to truly learn to stop the Suffering & Be Now… end endless useless egoic self-talk. (so many Vedic or Buddhist terms for this: Maya or illusion).
    * In that Only an Individual that is engaged fully in Self-actualizing, quieting the Use-less drivel of Mind, leaving or balancing the EGO (the sense of who we thought was all we were) & Live in the Now, Live with compassion for Self & all else is also known as a clear connection to Source.
    * The truth of higher consciousness is only truly Awakened in the Self, by whom stands in oneness: Consciousness of itself, God, the Oneness, Universe, a reflection & manifestation Consciousness of the Soul.
    It is wondrous when the Self awakens in any fashion. It is of course correct in that in only daily Consciousness without Peyote/LSD, the One on the Spiritual Path, "standing on one's own" is true Spiritual Growth, never created nor sustained by nor at all based on having the experience of taking LSD.
    * However, the effect with LSD, is that it allows very brainwashed minds to experience more than just "amplified" feelings in the 5 senses. It for many unveils for the 1st time the realms & feelings of the deeper spiritual growth, the 6th sense of Divine Intuition. It is always something we are connected to…it's how dirty or corroded that connection is.

    As it is known for in many Indigenous Tribal rituals of Peyote, or Mushrooms, the idea isn't to live on Peyote, but to get a taste of higher thought, via suppressing the mind-talk by noticing & expanding the Consciousness of the user. Only the person & their wish to seek out the ongoing growth needed to go onto to Enlightenment. And look at western thought since the 60's…what a ground swell of people seeking Enlightenment. Due to Psychedelics, many more people found the Path.

    LSD is not the path !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It may help you crack open a Door that you may choose to follow into the Knowing of Now.

    To end: The Psychedelic effect is that you then have a snapshot of the Metaphysical Self. Revealing your Self to your Self. Then it is up to you without taking the drug to sustain a quieted mind & gaining peace of mind through meditation, go on to the Spiritual Path (& just like books & videos, people don't all get it)….  Journey to the Tao & the Now requires that you do not use any drug to feel & be Now, as there is no Now Pill!
    Love you Eckhart, & Ram Dass
    Never do Peyote, LSD, DMT, Psilocybin – Mushrooms you are not sure is that compound, pure & in what exact dose…also, always with the help of God, Goddess, Source, Love & or a Guru….Namaste
    (Love and acknowledgement to Eckhart Tolle, Dr Wayne Dyer, Ram Dass ( Dr Richard Alpert), Louise Hay, Davidji, Dr Deepak Chopra, Dr Timothy Leary, David Simon, Gaia Earth Star, Parisma Yoginanda, Drunvalo, His Eminence the 14th Dalai Lama, to each and all of the Sages & Gurus that emerged in the 20th century and before. I love you all for your work teaching the way to Enlightenment in breaking the hold of the "Flight or Fight" era of human evolution (all the way to Universal advancement of Unity Consciousness), that now no longer serves us. ( & what a list (as incomplete a list due to time),  you are all Great Teachers and Way-Showers, Key Leaders in this field.)

  2. I would be curious how Eckhart would react to psilocybe mushrooms, since i experience total loss of ego on them and have gotten many of the exact same insights (that Eckhart is talking about) during those trips, long before i even heard of Eckhart Tolle. It seems to be that LSD has the hallucinogenic qualities of mushrooms, but lacks the spirit. Besides that, i believe that mushrooms make it easier to quiet your thoughts, so it is easier to get in that state of stillness.

  3. I somehow feel much more connected to the videos and audio books then reading the books themselves. I always find it easier to be alert and present when watching these videos, I am so thankful for such a variety of questions and answers in his 'videos' section. Big thanks to Eckhart and his team for sharing an abundance of informative material 🙂

  4. The first time I took LSD many years ago, I thought if only I could access this beautiful peace of mind in my everyday life, I knew it must be possible, I just did not know how to do it, Eckhart Tolle has provided me with the key…Thank you.

  5. Simply brilliant. This makes so much sense to me now (10/4/17), but I would have poo-pooed it in 2008 – even though I had been a student of Advaita Vedanta since 1993. I'm just so glad I did not seek out Eckhart, until I was ready for Eckhart.

  6. I used to have a still mind, it happened in my younger years. Ironically enough, as the years went by, instead of wisdom, I accumulated stories and mind noise. It got to a point that my mind shut down. I developed fibromialgya and my body did also shut down. My mind destroyed my health, my ego destroyed my health and I had no other option but to look inside and relearn to be in the moment. Thank you so much for this video.

  7. Wow that makes so much sense about LSD just enhancing sense perceptions to the point that you simply can't help but take full notice. It doesn't necessarily, inherently raise your consciousness, although it can. Instead it amplifies the sensory input above the regular level of consciousness. Very interesting…