Do I Like Being In The Military

Do I Like Being In The Military

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Yes & No

Yes, because it did a good job of putting me into physically, mentally, and emotionally challenging moments where I was able to come out on top and thrive. It really did a good job of putting me a field of chaos where I could transform into the person I needed to come. So I’m thankful for that.

No, because they’re not that making life easier for service members. For example, I’m a supply guy. I deliver airplane parts. When I take a part from storage I have a piece of paper, I have to circle 13 things on that paper, print & sign and stamp the time. That’s literally 16 things for something simple.

I’d have to imagine, the military does a Million transactions, a minimum each year. What that means is people are doing 16 Million extra things each year.

Instead of creating a well developed software and system to get a scanner and Beep.

Amplify that with all aspects and you can see why the retention rate is low in the military.

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